Visa 485 holder with remaining 2 or more years
Why do we mention 2 or more years for visa subclass 485 holder?
According to the new policy published by November 2019, all international students who have been studying and continue holding a visa 485 (Post Graduate Work stream) in any regional area (Except Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney) will be eligible to apply for additional 1 or 2 years for a second visa 485 depending on what degree or education level they completed. However, This stream is not available for tradies who can only get visa 485 (Graduate Work Stream -18 months) since one of the requirement is living and working in regional area for at least 2 years.
If you just complete your Bachelor or Master with Skilled Occupations not listed in Skilled Occupation Lists or Australia, This Australia Permanent Residency Pathway is for you.
If you just apply for 485 visa (Waiting to grant or just granted) and you find out you are not interested in your completed major anymore, this Australia Permanent Residency Pathway is for you.
There is also another pathway of 2-year course ( Not Trade Course) leading to Permanent Resident, Visa 485 Available, Engineering industry, higher skill level…
Click here for more information of those courses !

Visa 485 holders who are interested in Trades Course as another Permanent Residency Pathway
As we have mentioned in other pages, in order to choose the right Australia PR Pathway, you have to select the right occupations, courses, Procedure and Processing requirement of your occupations and importantly, the right agent to help you.
The best agent will give you not only the best Australia Permanent Residency Pathway, but also keep tracking you on your PR Journey.
With 485 visa holder with remaining 2 full years of visa or more, it does not matter choosing trades courses to study. Any trade course with duration of 1 year or less is eligible for this pathway. Be careful if your occupation Skill Assessment is processed by TRA, you may have to check TRA Recognition Qualification for each occupation you are interested in.
Their Australia Permanent Residency Pathway can be :
1 Year Trade Course + 1 year Work Experience => Skill Assessment Outcome and State Nomination
1-year Trade Course: $ 8,000 to $13,000 per year
Skill Assessment: VETASSESS or TRA around $1,000
State Nomination and Visa 190, 491 Application: Approx $5,000 to $8,000 or more (depends on number of additional applicants)
During Covid Pandemic Period, there is no certain time frame for each application process, however we will use processing time mentioned in the website as a sample time frame for you and your family.
You can take a full 1 year course or you can even do fast track by only 6 months and save another 1.5 year of your 485 visa for skilled work experience.
1 year work experience is needed and compulsory
State Nomination (Lodging EOI and wait for Invitation tp apply for visa 190 or visa 491 should take from even 1 days to 3,4 months or even longer). It really depends on the situation happening at the time you start your lodgement.
When you got the invitation from state to apply, That is when a bridging visa to visa 190 or visa 491 is active after your complete your application
Student VISA 500 Holder or Working Holiday Maker VISA 462 OR 485 VISA WITH LESS THAN 2 YEARS VALIDITY
With Student visa 500 holder or visa 462 (Working Holiday Visa , you have no other choice rather than studying an affordable course in Australia. At this stage, by selecting the right course, right occupation (included in Skilled Occupation list), and right state or regional can save your time for your permanent residency pathway in Australia.
Trade courses are highly recommended as well as some advanced Diploma Courses (duration of 2 years) since those courses are affrordable for skilled migrants.
So basically there are two ways for you: Study a cheap course in Engineer (Advance diploma Level) with 2 years duration and skill assessment approved
Or study one trade course (1-year duration) and Cheap diploma course to extend visa for obtain skilled work experience relevant to your occupation.

Australia PR Pathway for Visa 485 Holder with less than 2 years Validity

Australia PR Pathway for VIsa 462 or Visa 500 Holder with 485 Visa option and Visa 491 or 190 options available after course completion.